Topic: Ray Nelson for V.P. Private
Mad Dog Member
posted 11-11-2008 07:34 AM
All,While I do not post often and don't lurk much, I find this bulletin board one of the most efficacious ways to disseminate information and promote thoughtful discussion. The well respected Chuck Slupski has decided to not seek re-election for the position of V.P. - Private at APA. I believe we should encourage Ray Nelson to run for the position. Ray is a true treasure to our profession. While sometimes opinionated and argumentative, he does so from an altruistic stand point. I speak to him almost daily and know how pure his heart is. Ray's depth of knowledge is unmatched by most I know in this field and his dedication to improving the profession is sincere. I ask all of you APA members who know him to contact him personally to encourage him to consider this. I hope I have not stepped outside of the lines here by using this board to promote this. I have no personal agenda other than to have the best minds possible represent us on the APA Board. Respectfully, mark handler IP: Logged |
pal_karcsi Member
posted 11-11-2008 08:46 AM
Mark, I agree with you. He is a real genius and should be in the APA.Best, ------------------ Hól vagytok székelyek, e földet biztam rátok. Elvették töletek,másé lett hazátok. Vesszen Trianon !
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Taylor Member
posted 11-11-2008 08:48 AM
Waddaya say Ray - you would have my vote! TaylorIP: Logged |
blalock Member
posted 11-12-2008 08:51 AM
My vote too!------------------ Ben IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 11-12-2008 01:54 PM
There are two ways to get on the ballot: 1) you file a petition (with 25 signatures from APA members) seeking to be placed on the ballot (i.e. a self-nomination), or 2) the Fair Elections Committee (FEC) nominates you. There's no way of knowing if they will choose a person for nomination, so to assure a place on the ballot, a petition is the way to go. To be self-nominated, a person need signatures, but I don't know if digital signatures would suffice. (I don't have the language right in front of me, and the By-laws on the web are old.) Unless there is an association meeting happening soon in which APA members would be present in order to get hand signatures, I think electronic signatures would have to be the best alternative. If Ray wants to start a "petition" post in a new thread (after making sure it would meet the APA's current requirements), I would think getting 25 people to "sign" would be pretty easy. He could also do the same on the APA's forums. Just realize that the clock is ticking. IP: Logged |
lietestec Moderator
posted 11-13-2008 11:21 AM
I concur with Mark that Ray would be an excellent choice for VP - Private or any other open position on the APA Board (excpet VP - Gov and VP - Law Enf). As some of you may recall, Mike Gougler stated that we need new and young blood on the Board to serve the future of polygraph, and Ray fits that bill - not only for that reason, but he has an extensive wealth of knowledge in our field and related fields and has a continuing enquiring mind which we clearly need in polygraphy.I highly recommend him and would be honored to serve with him on the Board. I hope all who view the Bulletin Board will support his Candadicy if he elects to run. Also, I think he can self-nominate or do the signature petition but does not have to do both according to my last communication with Don K. Are you out there, Don? I have been trying to reach Donnie Dutton - now in charge of the Fair Elections Committee - to get specifics. IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 11-13-2008 12:38 PM
Thanks everyone, for all the encouragement. I rejected the idea the first couple of times this was suggested, but now I'm considering it. r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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sheridanpolygraph Member
posted 11-15-2008 03:58 AM
Ray,I really hope you take up the nomination. Personally, I learn quite a lot from each of your posts and you are just the kind of person the APA needs! You'll have my vote and any support I can give! Pete IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 11-15-2008 04:50 PM
Ray,You've got my full support my friend. I hope your final consideration will be a 'yes'. ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator Be sure to visit our new store for all things Polygraph Related IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 11-20-2008 05:28 PM
Seems we have only ten days left to get 25 signatures and put Ray on the ballot. If I understand, the deadline is Dec. 1st.Although I cannot be one of those names, I'd be happy to facilitate getting those names. so we need... 1. Ray to say yes or no. 2. An APA member to collect the names and make necessary contacts to get the nomination entered. ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator Be sure to visit our new store for all things Polygraph Related IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 11-20-2008 09:58 PM
Everyone,I would be an honor to be elected and to serve on the board in any capacity. I would settle for just being on a committee, but if I have to run for VP to participate in the conversation, then OK, I'm in. I'm a bit confused. At one point, I was told that a self-nomination was an alternative to the normal nomination which required 25 signoatures. To cover both bases, I've drafted a signature petition, short bio, and letter of self-nomination. Please everyone, click on the link, download the material, sign the petition, and return the first page to me within the next few days. My fax number is: (720) 554-7677 or email me a scan, at: I understand that Donnie Dutton is chair of the Fair Elections Committee. I'll have to submit this to him by Dec. 1. Thanks for the encouragement and support. r 
------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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Taylor Member
posted 11-21-2008 09:14 AM
Ray, I cannot get your form to print. Can you copy it and send it in email form to me. DonnaIP: Logged |
lietestec Moderator
posted 11-23-2008 02:44 PM
I was asked to post this by Donnie Dutton:It will be far easier for Ray to appear on the ballot by not doing the petition and by doing the self-nomination. Then no faxes will be required and taking the chance of missing the deadline. Like the rest of you, I would gladly sign the petition, but it isn't necessary accordning to Donnie's message below. I hope this resolves the dilemma: Elmer, I attempted to reply on Polygraph Place but it related I had to do some type of additional register so I had to sign out. If you would post the below on my behalf I would very much appreciate it. As you and I know I just wrote an article in the magazine on what needed to be done. Members can seek APA candidacy for elective office by one of two methods. The primary method is to apply directly to the Fair Elections Committee, which is composed of Past Presidents. The application should include a resume, a 500-word statement regarding the member's platform, and a cover letter. The application packet should be sent via the APA National Office who will forward it to me. The Fair Elections Committee will review all of the applications, and select two for each elective office that come due that year. A second method involves submitting a petition with 25 bona fide APA members signatures to the APA National Office. The offices available in 2009 are: President Elect Vice President Government Vice President Law Enforcement Vice President Private Secretary One Director Position December 1 will be the final day for members who wish to be placed on the ballot by petition. Donnie IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 11-23-2008 04:55 PM
Thanks. I'll send the materials in the next day or two. A number of people have faxed me the signature petition. r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
[This message has been edited by rnelson (edited 11-23-2008).] IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 11-23-2008 05:34 PM
Yes, Donnie's correct, but only one method guarantees a person gets on the ballot: the petition with signatures. Ray could ask the FEC (past presidents) to consider him, and they may do just that: consider him and then decide not to put his name on the ballot.The self-nomination / petition route is the only way to be sure of things. The FEC doesn't make its decisions until long after the deadline for the self-nomination, and I wouldn't take chances if you want to be on the ballot. IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 11-23-2008 05:43 PM
FYI, all the details are the Magazine in the APA Members' only section. You shouldn't be able to get to it here, but see what happens:,4-FINALCOPY-FORWEB.pdf IP: Logged |